Adromischus, named after the ancient Greek "adros" (thick) and "mischos" (stalk), is a genus of the Crassulaceae family. They are easily propagated leafage succulents and are owned to southern Africa.

Many Adromischus species have attractively marked and colored leaves that require high levels of light to maintain their various colors. They lose their colors and revert to green when placed in the shade. As the plants age, some elongate losing leaves lower downwardly their thickened stems.

Adromischus species generally have small flowers with a light-green-white tube and pink or reddish corolla. They produce sufficient nectar to start a fungal infection, peculiarly towards the end of the growing season. The flowers (with the exception of Adromischus phillipsiae) are not showy, so many growers cutting off the developing flower stems to avoid botrytis.

Adromischus species


  • one How To Care For Adromischus Species
    • 1.1 Lite
    • i.two Water
    • ane.3 Soil
    • 1.4 Climate
    • ane.5 Fertilizing
    • 1.six Propagating Adromischus Species
  • 2 Adromischus Species

How To Care For Adromischus Species


Adromischus species requires total sun for their colors to truly sally. Indoors, they are best placed on very bright places, such as any sunny window ledge or the top shelf of the greenhouse. Their meaty habit allows a collection to be maintained in a small space.


In the summer, Adromischus species require water about every 10-15 days. In the winter, water only in one case a calendar month at most. The upper layer of soil should be dry betwixt watering.


Many species are easy to grow in any free-draining gritty compost or suitable shop-bought soil for succulents with small amounts of fibroid sand or perlite.


Adromischus species tolerate cold, frost-free conditions during the winter if kept dry. It is also to go along water off the foliage during the wintertime. It is frost hardy to xix °F (-7 °C).


Fertilize Adromischus species every 2-three weeks with fertilizer for cacti and succulents.

Propagating Adromischus Species

Many Adromischus species can be propagated from leaves. Place the leaves against the side of the pot and so that the stem end is only touching the soil. Some species drop their leaves easily, and although each leafage will grade a new constitute, it can be a challenge to grow a large specimen. In other cases, leaves for propagation must be carefully detached with a abrupt knife.

Adromischus Species

If yous are wondering what kind of succulent you have, this commodity will help yous place 40 Adromischus species, both the common and the rare breeds.

Related Mail service:
ane,000 Types of Succulents With Pictures.

Adromischus alstonii

Adromischus alstonii [Russell Scott]

Adromischus alstonii has prostrate to erect stems, much-branched, and with gristly roots. The leaves are oblanceolate, cuneated, rounded-shaped, and often mucronated (which means that they take a lilliputian spike on the summit) with horny margins usually restricted to the upper function. The inflorescence is a xx to 50 centimeters long fasten. The little flowers are greenish with brown shades.

Adromischus caryophyllaceus

Adromischus caryophyllaceus [alloe]

Adromischus caryophyllaceus is a multi-stemmed, delicious perennial, growing up to 14 inches (35 cm) tall when in flower. Its branches may be erect or prone. The leaves are stake blue-green or grey-green to yellow-greenish, up to 1.2 inches (3.5 cm) long and upward to 0.8 inches (ii cm) wide.

Maroon coloring is often found close to the upper parts of leaf margins. The tubular flowers are upwardly to 0.eight inches (2 cm) long and open into 5-lobed corollas. The corolla has bright pink or purple lines down the middle of each lobe into the throat.

Adromischus cooperi

Adromischus cooperi [Juan Ramón Alonso]

Adromischus cooperi (Club-adromischus) is a dwarf freely branching perennial delicious 2-7 cm alpine and 15 cm in the spread. Information technology has larger leaves than Adromischus cristatus, plump, narrowed toward the base of operations, pale silvery-grey with a hint of duck-egg green and elegantly spotted with rich dark purple.

Its stems are brusque, spreading, greyish-brown and occasionally with aerial roots. Inflorescences are 35cm or longer, ending in tubular, green-and-red flowers.

Adromischus cristatus

Adromischus cristatus [alloe]

Adromischus cristatus (cristate adromischus) is an exquisite dwarf succulent constitute with a few rosettes formed by fatty reverse triangular leaves, with felt-similar texture and characteristic crested, wavy distal leaf margins. It is a peculiar species that is unlikely to be confused with others. It is besides easily recognized by the short stem wrapped in a thick coat of reddish, tangled, wiry, hair-like aerial roots. It is very variable.

Leaves are ane.5-5 cm long, v-20 mm wide, inflated, reversed-triangular to oblong-elliptic, terete to somewhat dorsiventrally compressed, dark-green to gray-green, tip truncate or rounded to more or less broadened and crisped, base wedge-shaped to petiolate. Margin in the upper half of the foliage horny, undulate, oft darker. Sometimes covered with glandular hairs, usually glabrescent or glabrous, green to grayness-green often with darker markings.

Its grey-green inflorescences end in like grey-green small flowers.

Adromischus cristatus var. clavifolius

Adromischus cristatus var. clavifolius [Ben Caledonia]

Adromischus cristatus var. clavifolius is an exquisite dwarf delicious plant forming compact clusters of fat, club-shaped, silver-green leaves then often called Pretty Pebbles. It is as well easily recognized by the short stem wrapped in a thick coat of reddish, tangled, wiry, hair-similar aerial roots. Information technology is very variable and has also at times been dislocated with Adromischus cooperi.

Its grey-green inflorescences cease in similar greyness-green small flowers.

Adromischus cristatus var. schonlandii

Adromischus cristatus var. schonlandii [Lourdes]

Adromischus cristatus var. schonlandii is a dwarf succulent plant generally smaller than the standard Adromischus cristatus distinguished by the upmost horny margin narrower than the leaf width, plus glandular hairs on the inflorescence and flowers.

Adromischus cristatus var. zeyheri

Adromischus cristatus var. zeyheri [alloe]

Adromischus cristatus var. zeyheri is a dwarf succulent that forms groups of stems. The multifariousness 'zeyheri' is a dark-green form of Adromischus cristatus which is distinguishable past its lack of aeriform roots, and with glandular hairs on the leaves, inflorescences and flowers.

Its leaves are larger in comparison to the type species, light green, not mottled, waxy, flattened, oblong about four-7 cm long and 2,two-5,5 cm wide, widely triangular, and waved/crimped at the margins. Flowers are very small, sessile, and white-foam on a 25-60 cm tall inflorescence.

Adromischus diabolicus

Adromischus diabolicus [Jan Vandorpe]

Adromischus fallax

Adromischus fallax [Josef Skála]

Adromischus fallax is a small succulent with decumbent branches and fleshy, paddle-shaped leaves. The branches can abound up to 8 inches (xx cm) long. Leaves are greyness-greenish with imperial speckles, up to 2 inches (5 cm) long, and upwards to 0.eight inches (ii cm) wide. Flowers are tubular, whitish with some cherry-red markings, and appear in late winter and spring on up to 12 inches (30 cm) alpine, branched stems.

Adromischus festivus

Adromischus festivus [Mat Lichtenstein]

Adromischus festivus is a dwarf succulent, upward to seven cm tall, leaves 2.5 to five cm long. It forms groups of stems that are knobbly, stout very short, prostrate, and with thin branching. Older plants develop a massive caudex or big swollen surface area near the basis. Stems lack root hairs (unlike Adromischus cristatus).

Its leaves are fat, glabrous, small semi-cylindrical, more or less mottled with night green to red based on the exhibition of the plant to the light. Juvenile leaves tin be broad with a long margin.

Adromischus filicaulis

Adromischus filicaulis [ecos de pedra]

Adromischus filicaulis (Adromischus fragilis) is a highly variable and very boring-growing adromischus species, usually with shiny grey-greenish leaves and rust-colored spots and margins.

Two subspecies are recognized the nominate course and ssp. marlothii (Adromischus marlothii, Adromischus tricolor), but much variation has been recorded for this species that it might seem unnatural to divide it into two subspecies. The main difference is the presence or absence of stiff stilt roots.

Adromischus hemisphaericus

Adromischus hemisphaericus [Gillian]

Adromischus hemisphaericus is a succulent perennial, upwardly to x inches (25 cm) alpine, with suberect or prone branches. The leaves are oblanceolate to obovate, rarely orbicular, usually grayness-light-green with or without darker spots and with flaking wax, upwardly to one.eight inches (4.five cm) long and up to one.2 inches (3 cm) wide.

The flowers abound on erect stems up to 12 inches (30 cm) tall. They have pink, fused petal lobes and green flower tubes on a small-scale flower fasten.

Adromischus humilis

Adromischus humilis [Grootscholten]

Adromischus humilis take soft, usually plain green, spathulate/ovoid leaves on depression creeping/ stoloniferous stems, with dark purple lobes to green flowers, as for Tylecodon atropurpureus.

Adromischus inamoenus

Adromischus inamoenus [rareplant]

Adromischus inamoenus is a perennial with little branched prostrate stems and gristly roots. The leaves are obtuse or rounded and sometimes mucronated (with a little spike on the apex) and have thorny margins across the middle of the leaf. The flowers are grouped in a spike-like inflorescence and are 9 to 12 mm long, greyish green.

Adromischus leucophyllus

Adromischus leucophyllus [jeffs bulbesetpots]

Adromischus leucophyllus is a dwarf succulent plant upwardly to 12 inches (thirty cm) tall, with pure white, rounded leaves covered in a fine pulverization and upwardly to 1.two inches (3 cm) long. The new leaves appear ruby-red, then green, then white. Flowers are green and pinkish, on an up to half dozen inches (xv cm) tall inflorescence.

Adromischus liebenbergii

Adromischus liebenbergii [Josef Skála]

Adromischus liebenbergii is a perennial with fibrous roots and fiddling branched stems up to 20 centimeters long. Leaves are light green, pointed (mucronated), flattened, vaguely drop-shaped. They can be likewise rhombic. The flowering period of Adromischus liebenbergii is in December and Jan, and the inflorescence is the fasten-like thyrse typical of Adromischus species, it is more often than not 20 centimeters long. Flowers are pale dark-green with sometimes shades of red, and they are tiny (i centimeter long).

Adromischus maculatus

Adromischus maculatus [Gillian]

Adromischus maculatus a.chiliad.a. "chocolate-drop" is a prissy succulent with fairly flat wedge-shaped leaves, though thick, which are beautifully marked in chocolate colour giving them a marbled appearance.

Stems are very short, somewhat woody, decumbent to prostrate up to 15 cm long, and little branched. Flowers are tubular and pale yellowish-green.

Adromischus mammillaris

Adromischus mammillaris [Mat Lichtenstein]

Adromischus mammillaris is a perennial plant, densely branched. Its stems are prostrate, more or less 15 centimeters long. When cultivated in pots, leaves develop from the central stem in a rosette, and they are light green, with dark red-purple spots nearly the top, sometimes conglomerating. They are linear-lanceolate just fatty at the same time. Flowers grow from a spike that develops in a 20-35 centimeters long stalk, and they are greyish green. The flowering period of Adromischus mammillaris is in December. Its roots are fibrous.

Adromischus marianae

Adromischus marianae [Juan Ramón Alonso]

Adromischus marianae is a baroque-looking delicious found with fleshy grey-light-green leaves spotted dark-brown, only one of the most variable species in the genus and comprises innumerable morphological and geographical variants, every clone is distinct and individuals may exist very unlike one to each other even within the aforementioned population.

Some forms are so dissimilar that no identifying feature helps to relate them to each other. Cultivated plants tin can be reliably distinguished only when seeds or details of the wild source are available.

Adromischus marianae 'Blosianus'

Adromischus marianae 'Blosianus' [alloe]

Adromischus marianae f. alveolatus

Adromischus marianae f. alveolatus [jeffs bulbesetpots]

Adromischus marianae f. alveolatus is 1 of the innumerable morphological and geographical variants of the very variable Adromischus marianae. It is a naturally occurring form similar to Adromischus marianae f. herrei distinguished by peculiar leaves which are shorter less acute, generally more than robust, and with a very rough surface.

Tubercles are formed occasionally, and very oft these run together to form infinitesimal and irregularly reticulate, low, rounded ridges. Some of these plants are quite extraordinary in shape.

Adromischus marianae f. herrei

Adromischus marianae f. herrei [jeffs bulbesetpots]

Adromischus marianae f. herrei (Adromischus herrei) is a modest slow-growing succulent shrub constricted at the base, variable in size upwards to up to x cm tall with many sparse and very brusk branches. It is now believed to exist merely a ruddy-dark-brown population of Adromischus marianae with very rough leaves that looks like dried raisins. This species is variable and every clone is distinct and worth growing more than one sample.

Stems are brusque, erect, tapering, and basally tuberose. Leaves are green to reddish-brown or majestic (depending on clones, growing conditions and seasons), unspotted, becoming greyness and waxy as they age. Flowers are green with pink-red tinges and about 12 mm long.

Adromischus marianae 'Niggling Spheroid'

Adromischus marianae 'Petty Spheroid' [jeffs bulbesetpots]

Adromischus marianae 'Piffling Spheroid' is 1 of the innumerable morphological and geographical variants of the very variable Adromischus marianae. It is a naturally occurring form distinguished by superb and very peculiar round leaves.

Stems are brusk, thick ascending often constricted at the base of operations. Leaves are arranged in a spiral on the main stalk, sub-spherical to elliptic, slightly concave above, faintly verrucose or almost polish, and grey-dark-green to greyish brown with a thick bloom.

Adromischus marianae var. antidorcatum

Adromischus marianae var antidorcatum [jeffs bulbesetpots]

Adromischus marianae var. hallii

Adromischus marianae var. hallii [Ruud de Block]

Adromischus marianiae var. hallii is a rare found from the South African/Namibian border, it has the broadest, thickest leaves within the Adromischus marianae complex. Leaves are shorter, more rounded, chalky, grey-green either red-spotted or plain. Information technology is a dwarf to depression-growing species, stays small and compact with tuberous roots and thick stems.

Adromischus marianae var. immaculatus

Adromischus marianae var. immaculatus [jeffs bulbesetpots]

Adromischus marianae var. immaculatus is i of the innumerable morphological and geographical variants of the very variable Adromischus marianae. It distinguishes for the cylindrical leaves, but with great variation in mark and texture.

This Adromischus species is highly variable and individuals may be very different one to each other even inside the same population. Cultivated plants can exist reliably distinguished only when seeds or details of the wild source are available.

Stems are short, thick ascending often constricted at the base of operations. Leaves are bundled in a screw on the main stalk, oblanceolate or sometimes elliptic (rarely obovate), slightly concave on both sides to terete, more-or-less verrucose (or smooth) and never purple-spotted, with an often brown or white raised and thorny margin.

Adromischus marianiae var. kubusanum

Adromischus marianiae var. kubusanum [jeffs bulbesetpots]

Adromischus maximus

Adromischus maximus [kitoi]

Adromischus maximus is the biggest Adromischus species, resembling a large Cotyledon. Plain leaves up to 5" long, upon stems 1" thick, with a stout inflorescence and many flowers per lateral node.

Adromischus montium-klinghardtii

Adromischus montium-klinghardtii [jeffs bulbesetpots]

Adromischus montium-klinghardtii is a small, fibrous-rooted, clump-forming, succulent perennial with erect, rarely decumbent stems upwards to viii inches (20 cm) long. The leaves are obovate to orbicular, rarely elliptic, up to one.4 inches (3.v cm) long and upwards to one inch (2.5 cm) wide, grey-green to grayish-brown with flaking wax and without dark markings. The flowers are white or tinged pinkish and announced in mid-summer.

Adromischus nanus

Adromischus nanus [Gillian]

Adromischus roaneanus

Adromischus roaneanus [alloe]

Adromischus roaneanus as well spelled "roanianus" is an odd-looking delicious establish with the stem of young plants most erect condign prostrate with time. It is 1 the nigh variable species in the genus peculiarly regarding the leaf shape and comprises many morphological and geographical variants, every clone is distinct and individuals may be very different one to each other even within the same population.

Some forms are so different that no identifying feature helps to relate them to each other. Cultivated plants can be reliably distinguished only when seeds or details of the wild source are available.

Adromischus schuldtianus

Adromischus schuldtianus [Josef Skála]

Adromischus schuldtianus is a very pretty, compact, perennials succulent shrub, building a branched tuberous base (caudex), variable in size up to vii cm alpine and 15 cm in diameter. The leaves are dusty white-green mottled with few translucent grey-dark-green to maroon spots or unspotted and easily caducous. Iii subspecies are recognized the nominate form subs. brandbergensis and subs. juttae.

Adromischus schuldtianus ssp. juttae

Adromischus schuldtianus juttae [jeffs bulbesetpots]

Adromischus schuldtianus ssp. juttae is a much-branched dwarf shrub, up to ten cm high building a branched tuberous base (caudex). It commonly does develop branches longer than those of ssp. schuldtianus. Leaves light-green, a little glossy, with numerous waxy dots. It is little known subspecies that is, according to Tolken, known only from a few plants.

Adromischus sphenophyllus

Adromischus sphenophyllus [Ben Caledonia]

This institute has a picayune branched stem and fibrous roots. Its leaves are grey-green, from rounded to mucronate ("mucronate" is a botanical term that is mainly used to describe leaves with a pointy noon). Frequently, shut to the margin, they take crimson-royal blurs.  The margin forms a straight line from the broadest point at the apex towards the thin base. In botany, this shape of a leaf is called "lanceolate".

The flowering menstruation of Adromischus sphenophyllus is in Dec and January. The flowers are really modest (0,9-11 centimeters long), and they are grey-tinged cherry-red. They are grouped in the typical spike-similar inflorescence of the Adromischus species.

Adromischus subdistichus

Adromischus subdistichus [Nessy]

This found has fibrous roots and little branches stems. The leaves are rounded, almost circular, dark light-green-grey, thick, with the margin turning majestic-carmine on the upper part.

The inflorescence develops on a dark cerise-purple stem, which is much taller than the institute and is a thyrse, which is the give-and-take used in phytology to describe a branching flower cluster. Flowers are really small (1 centimeter more or less). The flowering period, as one of all the other Adromischus species, is in winter.

Adromischus subviridis

Adromischus subviridis [Josef Skála]

Adromischus subviridis is some other beautiful, but larger species with white farinose leaves, always with cherry-red spots. Their leaves dry upward excessively if non given year-circular watering.

Adromischus triflorus

Adromischus triflorus [Mat Lichtenstein]

Adromischus triflorus is an exquisite dwarf perennial succulent constitute forming a cluster with decumbent stems 20 cm long. The shape and size of the leaves of this species are very variable and a number of local forms can be recognized. Often the leaves take scarlet speckles that tend to become more intense in bright light; withal, sometimes the leaves are devoid of spots.

Flowers are dark-green on the outside and white or pink inside the petals. Flowering occurs in summer.

Adromischus trigynus (Calico Hearts)

Adromischus trigynus [Mat Lichtenstein]

Adromischus trigynus (also known as Calico Hearts) is a dwarf, meaty succulent plant with grey-green leaves mottled and often with a purplish-maroon marginal tinge. It grows up to 1.8 inches (4.5 cm) alpine and up to 5 inches (12.5 cm) in diameter.

Leaves are compactly arranged, obovate to almost orbicular, convex both above and beneath and up to 1.4 inches (3.5 cm) long. Minor, white or tinged pinkish flowers emerge on up to 14 inches (35 cm) long stalks in late spring. They are not specially showy.

Adromischus umbraticola

Adromischus umbraticola [alloe]

Adromischus umbraticola is a perennial with a tuberous, very branched base, and gristly roots. Leaves are oblanceolate (this is a botanical term used when the shape of a leaf reminds a spear), restricted towards the base of operations, stake dark-green, sometimes with dark spots. the inflorescence is a thyrse (the botanical term for "cluster"), which develops on a twenty-35 centimeters long stem, with tiny greenish tinged pink flowers, one-ane.3 centimeters long.

Adromischus umbraticola ssp ramosus

Adromischus umbraticola ssp ramosus [Mat Lichtenstein]

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